
500 Days Of Film Reviews Sci Fi Thriller, Life, Starring Jake Gyllenhaal, Ryan Reynolds And Rebecca Ferguson

Aboard the International Space Station, a team of scientists’ mission of discovery turns to one of terror when they discover a rapidly evolving life form from Mars - a life-form that now threatens the crew and all life on Earth.

Is It Any Good?

I adore science fiction movies. I just love the stunning beauty and claustrophobic terror of space. In films you understand. In reality I’m paralysed by even the smallest of heights. However, I digress… 


In addition to its sci fi genre, I was drawn to Life because of its impressive cast - the movie stars Ryan Reynolds, Rebecca Ferguson and Jake Gyllenhaal. I was also intrigued by director Daniel Espionsa's venture into Alien (the movie) territory. Was Life going to bring something fresh to this hallowed ground?



The answer is… sadly, no. While Life is a tense and entertaining sci fi, it adds nothing new to the sci fi genre. Instead, it is content to feed off other (more superior) films - movies such as The Abyss, Gravity and, of course, Alien. 


That being said, this is not a terrible movie by any stretch. It zips along (I was never bored), features some scenes of a rather deliciously grisly nature and the cast (while underused) are charismatic and eminently watchable. Meanwhile, thanks to the talented work of cinematographer, Seamus McGarvey, the movie is visually stunning.


However, as much as I wanted to embrace Life, I left the cinema feeling rather underwhelmed.   

Random Observations

Have you seen Life?


If you have, what did you think of Daniel Espinosa’s film? Let me know by leaving me a comment in the section below!

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Jane Douglas-Jones
Jane Douglas-Jones



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